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Q.Is this company and service for real?
  • A. Russian Singles Online has been in business for 17 successful years. Each of the three owners of the company are happily married to Russian women and are living testaments to the benefits made available by this type of service. But don't just take our word for it - if you have spoken to an AFA representative, and you still have questions or doubts, simply ask for a list of previous tour client referrals. We will be happy to place you in contact with prior tour clients and married couples who will take their personal time to inform a fellow participant of the opportunities that await you. Simply call us at (602) 553-8178 to obtain as many referrals as you like. AFA offices around the world collect 1000's of profiles on a weekly basis and electronically submit that profile information to our web site. This allows us to place over 200 new, fresh, beautiful faces on our web site each week. Understandably, the most attractive and desirable women do not stay single long. Great selection, the most current profiles from our foreign offices, and the speed of the Internet insure you the greatest selection of the most current women who want to meet you.

Q.Why would I want to use your service?
  • A. Russian Singles Online was designed for men who wish to explore all of their options when choosing a mate or close friend. Due to today's technology we are able to bring people from different cultures and backgrounds together on our service. By viewing each woman's photos, and reading their bio-data, you can decide whom you would like to correspond with. The women on our service have written us expressly for the chance to meet that someone special! We continuously contact and update our database of women in order to offer you the best possible chance for a successful relationship!

Q. How do I order the addresses of the women?
  • A. The Platinum level affords you the best value, for only a $95.00 activation fee, you can access up to 100 addresses per month, and only $29.95 to renew your membership each month! We add approximately 1,000 new profiles to the existing 30,000+ profiles each month! All orders can be placed electronically, using our secure credit card server, your addresses will be sent to you by E-mail, normally within just a few minutes but not more than 4 hours or so. Click here if you would like to visit the ordering page.

Q. Is your service similar to
a Mail Order Bride company?

  • A. NO! A Mail Order Bride company implies that you are actually ordering something or someone and paying for it. We simply supply you with the tools and support necessary for you to reach your goal of finding that one special person, no matter where she may reside. Our service is based on a mutual interest and respect, both parties must be attracted and interested in starting a meaningful relationship. We strive to bring people together who really want to form a loving, caring, and lasting relationship.

Q. Are the women on your service really
interested in me,or just coming to America?

  • A.There are a variety of reasons as to why the women choose to join our service. It has been our experience that the primary objective of these women is to find a loyal, dependable, stable man with whom they can build a happy and loving family. These women are now searching outside of their country for this because for whatever reason or reasons they have not yet been able to find that one special person. In Russia for instance, there is a serious shortage of Russian men due to a combination of war and the high male death ratio. Alcoholism is also a very serious problem affecting many Russian males. A poor economic environment causes many men to shun the responsibilities of a wife and family. A family is very important to the vast majority of these women, thus they are forced to expand their search for their mate. The Internet has also opened up a whole new world of opportunities to these women that their mothers never enjoyed. They are no longer confined to their own cities and towns when searching for a mate. They can now search the world over for the right person.

Q. Are the women only looking for rich men?
  • A.Due to the culture and harsh realities of everyday life, the expectations and wants of most foreign women are extremely practical and realistic. They view strong family and traditional values as being important factors when choosing a life mate. Of course, like women everywhere, they want to fall in love. The facts in reference to marriage are that women seek mature, older, healthy, intelligent, successful, stable men with the ability to protect and provide for the family, and in all circumstances each of us seek a comfortable and happy home life.

Q. How easy is it to bring a woman to the US on a fiancée visa & why do I have to go to her country prior to inviting her?
  • A.A citizen of the United States has the right to file for a fiancée visa. The main qualification in applying for a fiancée visa is that the couple must have met in person, and photo evidence is required. Generally speaking, that meeting will take place outside the US. In 99% of the cases, US Immigrations does not grant tourist visas to beautiful young foreign women from 2nd- and 3rd-world countries that may desire to immigrate to the US and may not wish to leave the US once they enter on a tourist visa. The INS takes a dim view of a tourist visa holder who decides to marry while in the US. A U.S. citizen may, however, petition for a visa for his alien fiancée to allow her admission to the United States for a period of ninety days in order for them to prepare for their marriage and life together. At the end of the three months, the two of you must marry or she must return to her country. If you marry within the 90 days, she may remain in the country as your wife and she does not need to return to her country. You will need to file for Adjustment of Status immediately after you are married. Your new wife will not be able to leave the US until you file for "Advance Parole" or travel permission from the INS. Our company provides all of its tour members with a FREE professionally-prepared Fiancée Visa Kit. The kit, authored by Immigration Attorney William Livingston, contains all the forms and guidance necessary to complete the process yourself. Tour clients may have Mr. Livingston complete the entire Fiancée Visa process for them at a fee of $800.00 (plus a $100.00 filing fee). This rate is a $1000.00 savings compared to competitive US Immigration attorney services.
    Thus, while citizenship and relocating are factors, there are many other more important factors for these women to consider. What they really want is someone they can trust, depend on, and have a close relationship with. They certainly don't want to leave their friends and family and move to a strange new place just to discover they do not love the person they're committed to!!!

Q. Is there a charge for the women who
participate on your service?

  • A. No. The service is free of charge for the women. By not charging them to be on our service we are able to bring you a greater number and cross-section of people from which to choose. For the most part however, the women on our service could easily afford to be there. We have people from all walks of life including doctors, teachers, scientists, business people, farmers, etc.

Q.What kind of a response will I receive?
  • A. That really depends on you. It is important that you read the bio-data information about the women you intend to correspond with. You should only respond to those whom you feel you will be compatible with. You should also review the Letter Writing Tips, and Some Good Advice. By following these guidelines you should receive a very favorable response.

Q. How long will I have to wait for a response?
  • A. Believe it or not, the United States Post Office is one of the most efficient in the world. Unfortunately, some of the countries you will be writing to have very slow postal services. The speed varies from country to country; for example, it may take up to four to six weeks to get a reply from what used to be the Soviet Union, and as little as a week to 10 days from the Philippines. We do offer an Express mail service, which serves to expedite the delivery of letters to many different cities. Click here for more information concerning the Express Mail service and also review our Express Mail Forwarding FAQ's page for additional useful information.

Q. How important are looks?
  • A.Studies have shown that, on a short term basis, the more attractive singles have sex more often. However the facts are, in reference to marriage, men seek youth and beauty & women seek mature, older, healthy, intelligent, successful, stable men with the ability to protect and provide for the family.
    While outward appearance plays a role in any relationship, there are other factors which are much more important. We find that trust and stability are two of the most important factors, especially for the women on our service. If a relationship does develop and the woman moves to this country, she will want someone she can depend on. This is a major life move for her and at least at first, there will be no one in this country other than you that she can turn to for support and comfort. Therefore, while looks may play a minor role, stability, trust, and a warm relationship are much more important factors.

Q. Are the addresses I receive current?
  • A. We strive to continually update our data. Each week AFA places 200 new profiles on "This week's new profiles" pages, or 10,400 new profiles per year. We offer the largest and most current database of profiles available in the world.
    Our phone translation services & phone invitation services for socials allow us to be in constant contact with many of the women listed on the site.
    When we are made aware of an address that is no longer valid we immediately remove it from our list. We instruct the men and women on our service to notify us of any address changes so that we may update our records.

Q. Is age an important factor?
  • A. Studies show men and women seek different goals in marital partners. Men seek youth and beauty. Women seek mature, older, healthy, intelligent, successful, stable men who will love and respect them, with the ability to protect and provide for the family. It is a fact of life. In many other cultures, such as the Russian culture, the women tend to have much more reasonable expectations. Thay have not yet been media programmed with a youth-oriented outlook on life. Many Russian men lack a certain maturity towards family and relationships. Most Russian women are extremely mature for their years.
    Russian Singles Online attempts to be as diverse as possible. We have women on our database from all walks of life, different cultures, and varying age groups. Age does become a factor when choosing whom you will be most compatible with; however, do not let it become a barrier. For many women an older person represents stability, security and wisdom. In many cultures it is not uncommon to see major age differences between spouses.

Q.Should I send money to the women I
correspond with to help with their expenses?

  • A. That is of course entirely up to you; however, we recommend that you do not. If the woman with whom you are corresponding is really interested in you then she will certainly respond without any financial incentive. If you really want to help with the cost of postage (most women and men on our service can easily afford this cost), we suggest that you send stamps as opposed to cash. We suggest you contact your local Post Office, or call us for more information on where to purchase the stamps.

Q. Who may use Russian Singles Online's services?
  • A. Russian Singles Online services are available to any person from any country. Although our home office is based in the USA, we have offices in all of the cities in which we conduct the Romance Tours. These offices offer support for the Tours and services for individual travelers. Tour packages are available without airfare for clients who originate from countries other than the U.S. The women on our service welcome the chance to meet men from all countries and walks of life.

Q. How may I make payment when I order?
  • A. You may obtain the address information you desire by going to Russian Singles Online's "New Client Electronic Order Form" . Complete the form, which you will then submit electronically by double clicking on the "Finalize Order " button and then entering your credit card information and double clicking on the "Pay Online" button.
    If you feel more comfortable you may choose not to order via the secure credit card order form and you may select the second option on the order form to send the credit card information via fax (602) 468-1119 or call (602) 553-8178.
    You may also choose the third ordering method to receive addresses by printing the order form and mailing it to:

    7227 N. 16th St. Suite 240
    Phoenix, AZ. 85020

    To receive addresses by the US Postal Service:
    Please remember to supply us with your return address, telephone number, profile numbers ordered, method of receiving addresses and proper payment including any additional charges for receiving addresses by the US Postal Service.

Q. How do I view the attached file?
  • A. You will need a shareware program such as Paint Shop Pro or a non shareware program such a Adobe Photo Shop to view the TIF and TXT files. If you cannot receive the information via computer we will sent the information via regular mail or any of the other special mail services offered on the order form.

Q.What are the international postal rates?
  • A. U.S. Postal RatesLC Mail (Letters and Cards). All LC mail receives First-Class Mail service in the United States, is dispatched by the fastest transportation available, and travels by airmail or priority service in the destination country. You should mark all your LC mail "AIRMAIL" or "PAR AVION".

    Weight In (oz.)

Q. Could you send me more information
concerning your company?

  • A. You will find everything you need to know contained on the site of Russian Singles Online. Please read the information and feel free to ask questions if you do not find the answers you need contained in the text portion of our service.

Q. How do I view the encoded Cyrillic text?
  • A.To view the encoded Cyrillic text, you will need the Cyrillic font for your operating system, we have made the process of setting up this font on your computer very simple by making available software that will allow you to view the Cyrillic fonts, which you can recieve by clicking here.


Russian Singles Online

7227 North 16th Street, Suite 240
Phoenix, AZ 85020
(602) 553-8178
fax (602) 468-1119
Contact Us